We never know how we can react when we find ourselves in an emergency. It could be a situation when someone is injured, or maybe suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. The ability to act and offer victims help in any emergency is an invaluable skill to possess. This is why every individual should strive towards mastering CPR, essential skills for every rescuer.
Nowadays, many are considering enrolling in a course to receive CPR training and be prepared in case their skills are needed during an emergency. We witness many cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, which is why the more people get CPR training, the better.
CPR Guidelines for Texas
With the increasing number of heart diseases worldwide, Texas is making sure that all its citizens are always protected. CPR training and certification are included as part of the legislation, and the government also offers CPR guidelines that should be followed.
CPR Training in Schools
According to the Texas Administrative Code, the academic institution has to provide CPR instructions and training for students attending grades 7 through 12. This should be done at least once before the students graduate, meaning that it’s a mandatory graduation requirement. The instructor has to be CPR certified by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other recognized organizations.
Many may argue that getting children involved in CPR training is too early, but they would be disregarding the benefits. With an increased death rate among young athletes from sudden cardiac arrest, having CPR training in high school can mean saving a classmate’s life.
CPR Training as a Job Requirement
Understandably, CPR training and certification are mandatory for those working in healthcare and other medical professionals. Emergency Medical Service professionals must also possess a valid CPR certificate as a job requirement. However, the number of employers who require their employees to have CPR training and certification is also increasing. It may not be mandatory to get the job, but it would most certainly be regarded as a big plus.
Some of the professions include the following:
- Teachers and other school staff
- Construction workers
- Flight attendants and pilots
- Restaurant staff
- Security personnel, and more.
Essential Skills for Every Rescuer
Knowing CPR can help anyone approach and handle the situation with confidence. This is essential when saving a person’s life. Many tend to panic during an emergency leading to chaos and a loss of life.
Helping a person in need means knowing more than just one life-saving skill. Not every saving technique is suitable for every situation. The more methods and techniques you learn, the better the chances are you’ll save someone’s life.
Know How to Check a Victim for Signs of Life
During an emergency, one of the most important parts is to check the victim and if they are showing signs of life. This includes checking their pulse and whether they are breathing. Before proceeding, ensure that the area is safe for both you and the person you are helping. If they don’t respond, check the chest for breathing movements. At the same time, put two fingers (index and middle) on the victim’s neck or the inner wrist to check their pulse.
Get a CPR Training
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a method everyone should learn. It is easy and straightforward, and all it takes is a one-day training and practical experience to acquire the skills. CPR can make a difference when you find yourself in a situation where someone is experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. A fast reaction to get the blood to start circulating again until medical help arrives can be a game-changer for someone.
Although CPR training is not needed to help a person in need, knowing what you are doing always helps. That’s why enrolling in a CPR training and certification course in Fort Worth, TX, can help you gain the confidence to react swiftly.
Learn How to Use AED
When you are a bystander witnessing a person suffering a sudden cardiac arrest, knowing CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator is a huge bonus. CPR and AED sometimes need to be combined to be sure of a positive outcome. So, why is knowing how to use an AED an essential skill every rescuer should possess?
CPR is used to keep the blood flowing, but what it doesn’t do is restart the victim’s heart. This is where the AED comes in. AEDs are devices you have probably seen in many public areas and are used to restart the heart’s rhythm. Formal AED training is not required to use the device because it will walk the rescuer through the rescue steps. However, it’s always better to attend the course and be sure you are doing the right thing.
Knowing the Heimlich Maneuver
Heimlich Maneuver is the recommended life-saving technique used on choking victims. You don’t need to be a certified healthcare provider to know how to perform these abdominal thrusts that can save someone’s life. However, keep in mind that they should be used only on choking victims that are conscious.
The Heimlich Maneuver requires you to position yourself behind the victim. Using your hand’s heel, deliver 5 blows to the victim’s back right in the middle. If this doesn’t help dislodge the object, then wrap your arms to encircle the victim’s chest. Position your fist in the front center part of the body between the navel and the lower part of the rib cage. Deliver another 5 abdominal thrusts as if trying to lift them. This should help dislodge the stuck object.
Saving a Drowning Victim
Drowning is considered among the most common causes of accidental death, and it can happen in both deep and shallow water. Reacting fast and projecting confidence is important when helping a drowning victim. Remember that there is a lot of panic and chaos surrounding a drowning victim, so you’ll need to know how to manage the situation.
Learn to Control Bleeding
You may find yourself in an environment where the victim is bleeding, and you’ll need to help them. Before giving them any CPR, you’ll need to know how to prevent the risk of the victim bleeding to death. Having first aid training will help you gain the skills to prevent blood loss and what to do in the event of bleeding wounds.
Managing Burns
Burns are categorized based on their degree of severity – they can be first, second, or third-degree burns. Minor burns require a light application of a cool compress to the area or running cold water to treat the area. However, burns can also be very severe and painful and may be the reason for loss of life. These wounds require immediate attention from a medical professional.
Getting Your CPR Certification
CPR training and certification is not mandatory, but it is recommended. Several CPR certification levels are offered to meet the different needs and abilities of each individual. Getting certified in CPR and First Aid will provide you with the basic life-saving skills. If you are in constant contact with children, or you have a child with a certain medical condition, you should get certified in pediatric CPR and AED.
Remember that there is a difference between adult and child CPR. Depending on your preference, you can choose to train in one of them, or you can get certified in both. This way, you’ll be able to help in any situation, regardless if the victim is an adult or a child.
Once you get certified, you will have to renew your CPR certification every 2 years for it to be valid. This is important for those that must possess CPR certification as a job requirement. For others, you can attend CPR renewal classes. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends and novelties in CPR.
Final Words
The first Texas OHCA state analysis of the Texas registry shows that there are over 26,000 OHCAs that occurred among 13 communities. Out of these, 43.3% survived due to bystander CPR. This goes to show that every member of society should attend CPR training and get certified.
Learning and mastering CPR, essential skills for every rescuer, means contributing to the community by helping victims in need. At the same time, it means being confident to manage any emergency situation.